Within the framework of our value axis We incorporated a strategic partner to deepen our proposal, which includes:
• Management by technical skills
• Process Management
• Knowledge Management
• Support and technical training, Coaching & Mentoring in these processes


A Technical Competence is the combination of knowledge, experiences and technical skills that a person must possess and demonstrate to achieve effective performance in a sustained and continuous manner.
Management by Technical Competencies is an organizational management process that seeks to align the talent and skills of collaborators with the vision and objectives of the Company, through operational excellence.
This process is mainly made up of five phases or activities:
1. Definition of which are the Technical Competencies required for each Position.
2. Evaluation and Identification of Gaps between what the Company requires and what the employee actually knows how to do.
3. Preparation of a Knowledge Map that allows identifying both the knowhow available in the organization and that which still needs to be achieved to develop its corporate strategy.
4. Development and Execution of a Training Plan focused on reducing the gaps detected and tailored to each employee.
5. Implementation of a continuous improvement methodology so that the Organization can carry out monitoring, management and quality assurance of the Training Plans of its personnel.


It is a management model that adds strategies, processes and technologies necessary to capture, store, share and ensure that the Organization's knowledge is translated into competitive advantages that add value to the Business objectives, such as:
• Capture (people's experience, Training, Incorporation of talents, Benchmarking, Papers, Technical Conferences).
• Store (Digital Libraries, Technical Magazines, Publications, Videos, E-learning, Webinars, Document Management Systems).
• Share (Internal Instructors, Mentoring, Communities of Practice, Technical Conferences, Discussion Forums, Corporate Portals).

Technical Communities are the engine of Knowledge Management. It is a Group of people who, linked to a specialty or Key Process with similar interests and common objectives, lead and manage technical knowledge activities.

• Develop and implement a project developed “in-house” by forming multidisciplinary client teams and training during the implementation that consists of: • Design of the Knowledge Management Process. • Design of the organizational structure. Roles and functions. • Formation of Technical Communities. • Design of Action Plans. Definition of KPIs. • Change Management for its implementation. • Portals and Motorization of Communities. • Design of Libraries and Knowledge Reservoirs.


A Process is the sequence of repetitive and systematic activities that, through the use of different resources (people, materials, information, technologies, etc.) allows obtaining a product or service with greater added value.
It is composed of:
• Work Flows (Tasks, roles and responsibilities).
• Regulations (Procedures, Instructions, Specifications, etc.).
• Records (Traceability and documentation).
• Computer applications (calculation software, databases, sharepoints, etc.).
• Quality Indicators (process and operational KPIs).

Processes identify a Company, they represent its way of doing things and the culture of the Organization.


Our Proposal consists of developing and implementing Key Processes for Operating Companies or Oil & Gas Service Companies, such as:
• Production Optimization
• Asset Operation
• Oil and Water Treatment
• Interventions with Tower Equipment
• Incorporation of Technologies
• Asset Development

Developed “in-house”, forming multidisciplinary client teams, includes technical support and its associated procedures for all stages of the Process:
• Deployment
• Implementation
• Training
• Audit
• Update